Side Effects

Drinking green tea is absolutely safe, as there are many green tea consumers out there. If there are any serious side effects, people would have known and green tea will not be the second most popular beverage. However, to new drinkers, there are some things you should take note of.


Most of the side effects of drinking green tea are actually triggered by caffeine. Luckily, there are only about half the amount of caffeine in green tea compared to coffee. Therefore, moderate intake of green tea should not have any problem for most people.


The recommended amount of green tea intake is 3 to 4 cups a day. If you drink more than 5 or 6 cups everyday, symptoms like sleeping problems, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, loss of appetite or other caffeine-related side effects may arise.


You should take extra note when drinking green tea if you are sensitive to caffeine. You should also be cautious if you have a weak heart, kidney disease or sensitive stomach. Best is to consult your doctor if you have any doubts or encountered any problems.


You should avoid drinking green tea if you are pregnant. Substances, like catechins, caffeine and tannic acids, which are found in green tea are said to increase pregnancy risks. Consuming green tea during pregnancy may cause neural tube birth defect in babies.


Green tea should be avoided if you are breastfeeding. Caffeine may cause babies to have sleeping problems.


In the weight loss article, we have mentioned that green tea is effective in enhancing weight loss. But it is not advisable for people who have anemia or are prone to certain nutrient deficiency, or children undergoing puberty to drink green tea. Because drinking green tea reduces the absorption of iron and other nutrients. That’s why it is easier for us to lose weight while drinking green tea.


Do not take your medications together with green tea, or any other tea. It may conflict with the medications.


Anything in the world, if consumed in excess, could become harmful. Just keep that in mind and you should never experience any of the side effects.